Thursday, May 15, 2008 *
Well, I disappeared from blogging cos I really didnt know what to write. But, lately, I've been occupied with KOREAN SERIES and Movies that I upload from torrent! Hidup TORRENT!!!! WE are pirates aye.... P2P servies = Pirates to Pirates. Ain't that right, Shanno? Ok, I notice that I've becoming more obsess with Korean series. Been watching it non-stop. Marathon. Been pushing aside my work. LOL.... well, hopefully i can get my working spirit back tomoro... LOL!!!!! Oh Shit, speaking of working, I forgot to do something. Oh well, tomoro then. hehehe
This afternoon, as I left early from the office, I cleaned my room cos it was in a mess and promised my mom i would do it. LOL. I came across that I can actually open a CD/DVD shop. it's scattering everywhere!!! Especially Series. lol.. Korean and chinese mostly. lol. I need to buy a cabinet specially for that. lol.
After that I took a nap, and I dream something really Weird, you don wan to know. But shanno and Serena knew about it. And as usual, Serena just loveeeeeeee to tease me on that. Oh, movie marathon tonight. I watched PS I Love You and Over Her Dead Body... Very nice movies. Romantic comedy and chic flicks. Obvious Im a sucker for this when it comes to Hollywood movies. lol!!! Oh, I can't wait to watch Iron man and Narnia!!! Been waiting for a long time on this. One of the siblings in Narnia is HOT!!!! i think he;s the blonde one (I always fall for a blonde dude).
Oh ya, while I was at work and chatting with Serea, I watch Autumn in My Heart, AGAIN! I think I watched this too many times, but I never get bored. Maybe cos I like to watch depressing Korean drama. LOL! Plus, the main characters look so good together. I hope they REALIZE they're meant for each other, JUST DO IT already. HAHAHAH!!!!!
Oh, last but not least, Serena showed me Joe's Pic (IMO, it's his finest picture), I LOVE IT. It really reveals him.... I think tomoro I better mandi using the washing machine. The vibration... Oh la la
posted by JulieAnne
being random at
1:45 AM